Associazione Culturale La Guarimba

La Guarimba is a cultural organisation situated in the southern Italian region of Calabria that uses culture as a vehicle to promote values of participatory democracy, integration, human rights and accessibility. Our main goal is to bring the cinema back to the people and the people back to the cinema.

Founded by Calabro-Venezuelan Giulio Vita (1988) and street artist and illustrator Sara Fratini (1985).

Guarimba, in the venezuelan indigenous language, means “safe place”.

We are members of the international festival network Short Film Conference and of the community Creativity Pioneers, an ecosystem of organizations that use creativity as a tool for social change.


Giulio Vita was born in Italy and grew up in Venezuela. He studied Journalism in Caracas and, after being kidnapped and tortured by the police for protesting against the government, he decided to return to Italy. He went on to study Cinema in Madrid. There he met Sara Fratini, a Venezuelan illustrator who was studying Fine Arts at the time. After graduation, they started drinking beer in a city center bar, complaining about how superficial the world of film festivals was. And so, as if for a game, they decided to create La Guarimba.

At the end of 2012, Sara and Giulio went to live in Amantea, the small village in Calabria where Giulio’s grandparents are from. They gave themselves a year’s time. Sara started her project as an illustrator and Giulio started producing what would be the first edition of the film festival.


In the beginning, La Guarimba was born as a short film festival and an event. It was registered as a Cultural Association, then smarter people than us called it Social Innovation, and later the volunteers and directors who came to the first editions renamed it Community Experience because of our way of doing. But for us it is a life’s project, a bet won over pessimism, the global economy and the myth that tells children that there is nothing to do in the South.


Our main goals is to bring cinema back to people and people back to the cinema.

Creating a Multicultural Area in which there is a political connection with the world. La Guarimba must contribute to creating an atmosphere of empathy, understanding, integration and action.

Reintroducing cinema as a social act with which we oppose to living in an increasingly individualistic world. We need to create a meeting point where we can share ideas and live a collective but also a personal experience.


One of the keys to La Guarimba’s growth is the creation of a strong community through film festivals, cultural events, film residencies and educational workshops in schools. These events promote collaboration, creative initiative and discovery through Montessori educational practices, cooperative learning and care for the environment.

The people involved in this process are the artists selected from around the world and hosted in Amantea during the festival, the volunteers and team who work on each initiative, the professionals training in the residencies, and the middle and high school students who make animated films through the educational workshops. This openness to diversity generates a constant flow of new perspectives and skills that flow through our organization, changing it every day.

Formation comes through many aspects. From sharing guest houses, to the care and structuring of each training activity so that they can be carried out in complete autonomy and creative freedom by the participants, according to the Montessori principles of empowerment through clear rules, freedom to choose, to make mistakes and to develop their own path in a natural and spontaneous way. They work as a team in a safe environment, where they challenge themselves and collaborate with others in full trust, both guests and organizers, ensuring a relationship of mutual and constant growth.


We’ve always used culture as a tool of integration and civil coexistence, fighting to give voice to those that don’t have the possibility to invoke their rights and defending the importance of the union of different cultures.

Our organisation actively took position to report the human rights violation in Venezuela in the last 30 years. Through our program El Guayabo – The Venezuelan Diaspora, we are committed to tell the stories of people that lived the state of political refugees.

We welcome works made in the countries where migrants coming to Europe come from, thanks to the special selections Karmala and MigrArti and the CinemAmbulante film program. This space allows us to share their stories, without filters, giving us the possibility to show the world the struggles they live and why we need to activate logics of welcome and solidarity from institutions and associations.

During the years, we’ve being exposing ourselves publicly in order to support the cause. We’ve reported the abuses on the young workers of the agriculture fields in Amantea and the many episodes of racism they experience.

On July 2020, we reported to the press the surreal story of Abbas Mian Nadeem, a young Pakistan immunocompromised that was mistaken for one of the migrants sent away from Amantea because they were positive to the Covid-19. After this, we received death threats from ‘Ndrangheta. We worked together with the authorities to allow Abbas’ return to Amantea, helping him to find legal assistance and involving Italian and European parliamentarians to investigate the case.

We’ve created a network of associations at the local level to face together racism cases in a systematic and coordinated way, using the boundless language of art and culture.

We’ve organised workshops, meetings and screenings with the refugees reception center in Amantea, working with cultural mediators to allow their integration with the community.

At the end of 2021, we bought an abandoned land located in the center of Amantea, to open a new space dedicated to culture, starting from July 2022, where we can host events and moments in which artists, cultural organizations, institutions, activists and citizens can find meeting points for new ideas. We decided to call this space IL TERRENITO, that in 2023 hosted the 11th edition of the festival.

We have started working to build, in the next few years, the first House of Culture in Amantea and redeliver an open and regenerated space to the community, with the aim of increasing the social capital and quality of life of the inhabitants of the area.


2020 has been the hardest year for our organization.

In February, the municipality of Amantea has been wound up for fraudulent manipulation and mafia infiltrations. The government has been substituted by temporary receiverships for the next 18 months.

The unexpected health crisis left us without certainty for many months: the Region of Calabria didn’t publish any cultural grant, leaving us without an important financial source, and many companies withdrew their sponsorship proposals. We kept working without knowing if we would be able to manage to make the festival in presence.


When summer came, we engaged in a battle together with open-air free cinema organizations such as I Ragazzi del Cinema America in Rome, Scendi C’è il Cinema in Milan and FurgonCINEMA in Central Italy. Together, we reported the lobbying policy and the blackmails of distributors and cinema owners associations, Anica and Anec, which gave written instruction to Italian and foreign distributors to not release film screening rights to free film event in the Italian territory. The result was 235 denied permits out of 263 demands, despite all the films already ended their period of commercial exploitation in theatres. 

The societies involved in the scandal responded roughly, calling our claims “fake news” and threatening us with legal repercussions. The Italian parliament debated with an official question on this issue. On June 24th 2020, the Antitrust opened an investigation towards Anica, Anec and Anec Lazio because of “obstacles for the concession of films to the open-air free cinemas”. The final sentence was announced on March 26, 2022, when the Antitrust announced that the three associations had exceeded “the boundaries of lawful association activity to standardize the strategy of distribution companies towards denials and constraints in the issue of licenses to free arenas “, In violation of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Article 2 of Law no. 287/90.

This story showed, once again, how our activity is necessary to promote a vision of cultural accessibility, free from market logics and centralisation of power.


Despite all these events, we managed to organize the 2020 edition in presence. Our last obstacles were the conditions of La Grotta Park, which remained shut down for the whole year with no maintenance. We decided to take charge of all the work that our institutions haven’t made and we collected our team, calling people from Amantea to help us. All together, we worked hard to clean and restore the park, allowing the opening to the public and giving it back to the community.


In 2021, despite all the work of the previous year, we couldn’t access the Park.

In fact, in January, part of the historic center collapsed, affecting the only public green space in Amantea. Despite the various promises of local politics, the safety works of the historic center were never completed and the park was declared uninhabitable.

We looked for an alternative place for a long time and we identified a horrendous space, a symbol of the social degradation that the town is experiencing: an abandoned car park, without any maintenance for several years and that became, over time, an open-air dump.

When we arrived at the parking lot, the situation was grim: piles of garbage covered the whole space, rotten food, dead animals and various debris, while weeds and reeds that had not been treated for several years had invaded the walls.

Finding the energy from our stubbornness and the desire to carry out this edition, despite the many difficulties, we began to meet on Saturdays and Sunday mornings in July to clean, with our hands, every corner of the parking lot under the burning sun of the Calabrian summer.

Some Amanteans saw us and helped us, bringing tools and expertise to prune the branches, build dry stone walls, clear the reeds and move the heaps of garbage we collected.

It was not enough for us to bring the car park back to its normal conditions. We wanted to go further and make it better: an immense open-air work of art, available to everyone, which can become an example for restoring beauty to abandoned spaces.

We invited two artists to create their works here in Amantea: Sara Fratini, co-founder of La Guarimba and internationally renowned illustrator and Cesáh, stage name of Paulo Albuquerque, a Brazilian muralist based in Portugal. Two very different styles, but which managed to revive the setting that hosted the festival.

We found ourselves forced to move an entire community to make up for the absence of the institutions, which had already ignored the problem by not carrying out routine maintenance and garbage collection for several years.

We paid a bulldozer out of our own pocket to finish the cleaning work, because the commission, that acts for the municipal administration that was dissolved because of the mafia, did not intervene as promised during the meetings we organized in the previous months.

We showed a model of a possible and alternative society, capable of taking back public spaces and joining forces to work and grow together.


Since the beginning of the Russian invasion in February 2022, we have taken a clear stance in support of the Ukrainian people, victims of Putinian imperialism and the mystification of the Russian (and part of the Italian) propaganda.

We did this through four actions:

  • We have offered all Ukrainian filmmakers an exemption from paying festival registration, allowing them to participate for free. Three films by these directors were presented during La Guarimba 2022 as part of the special program SLÁVA UKRAYÍNI!.
  • We have excluded from the festival all the producers, directors and distributors who have expressed clear positions in favor of Putin. Instead, we have selected Russian directors who have publicly taken sides against the invasion.
  • On March 12, 2022, we organized the screening of the documentary The Earth is Blue as an Orange (2020), directed by Iryna Tsilyk, winner of the Director’s Award in the “World Cinema Documentary” category at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. The event was organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Ukraine in Italy; The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Italy; Lithuanian Cultural Institute; Milan Film Library; Z-Power-Young People Back to the Movies.
  • For the sixth edition of Kino Guarimba, we offered a scolarship that covers the participation fee, travel expenses, food and accommodation of 10 Ukrainan participants, who will be able to enjoy an international training experience for free. The scholarships have been covered by the European Cultural Foundation, which supported the initiative.
    We repeated the initiative for the eighth residency in September 2023, offering a scholarship to five Ukrainian participants thanks to the support of the European Commission.



In 2012 we were faced with Amantea’s cultural reality: all the cinemas were closed. But at the same time with the History of the town: in the past it was a cinematographic gathering centre for a good part of the Tyrrhenian coast, especially for the legendary Arena Sicoli, an outdoor colossus with 938 seats that many years ago managed to pack the house. In 2013 we convinced Sergio Sicoli -the owner- to lend us the cinema for four days of festival in exchange for repairing it with our hands and our resources. So we went to work, helping the social media to tell what we were doing and to motivate the local community to help us. Many responded to the call and on 7 August 2013 we reopened the Sicoli Arena. Sergio, touched, was able to relive the joy of the spectators.

The following year, due to issues within the Sicoli family, we were unable to get back the permission to host the second edition there. Without wasting much time, we immediately set to work to find a new cinema. La Grotta Park is one of the most beautiful properties of the Municipality of Amantea. It is a huge natural cave once close to the sea that was able to accommodate many boats.

The space was perfect. The problem was the screen, the chairs, the system. In short, everything else. We called screen and service companies all over Europe. Finally, AIRSCREEN from Austria offered to help us with their 12-meter inflatable screen. The Municipality helped us with the chairs and our friends from the Cleto Festival lent us the sound system.

Over the years we have invested in a sound system of our own and we have improved our understanding of how to use the park without being intrusive, but engaging the viewers to experience cinema as a social act, with the freedom of outdoor space without losing its intimacy. We are cortazarians: we strongly believe in the seriousness of fun.


We believe in the democratization of culture, accessibility and the green carpet. We have the goal of normalizing art house films, taking them out of the living rooms and getting them back on the streets. In contrast to what characterises mass audio-visual entertainment, we like to respect our audience, challenge them rather than satisfy them.

Respecting the audience means offering a selection of pleasant but thoughtful works. Showing short films that are not merely compliant with viewers. Assistants must be able to enjoy quality entertainment with interesting narratives, and we must ensure the opportunity of seeing art house cinema that revives our senses and investigate both ourselves and the experience of living in a shared world.

Over the years the audience has grown a lot and now the festival is not only local but has a strong international appeal. And even if this makes us proud, our main target is the old farmers and sailors, our grandparents’ generation, the one that had neither the time nor the money for education or culture. Being able to see that generation every night there, in front of films that challenge even the great critics, has been a strategy that every year proves successful: we are among those short film festivals that can guarantee a presence of 300-1000 people per short film.


When we organized the first edition we realized some challenges that we had to overcome in order to be successful: we found ourselves with a young local population that was not used to going to the cinema, and with the older one that used to go but not to see films in original language, let alone the short film format. There was a generation that grew up with viral videos on their phones and another that remembered Ben Hur without ever having heard Charlton Heston’s voice. But the biggest challenge was that of mistrust. The Calabrian society has a strong lack of trust towards others and even our greatest efforts of Venezuelan optimism have been in difficulty in these years. With time, however, we realized that many of these problems were located in the way we communicate. Improving our communication is one of our pillars for creating a better relationship with our audience.

We worked with the local audience, from explaining what a short film was, to creating a programme that reflects all our categories. All the films that are screened are subtitled in Italian and English. The festival offers contents for all audiences and all ages, with the aim of shedding light on current issues not only from a cultural but also a social point of view.

In truth, we haven’t invented anything new. We have only been more romantic than others: inspired by the stories of our parents and grandparents we wondered how it would be to recover the charm that they felt for something as simple as going to the movies. We like the idea of ​​cinema as a social act, as a meeting point. The idea of ​​going to the cinema not for the film itself but to be with friends and strangers in front of a giant screen with your head upwards and not downwards as the TV requires. Reclaim the cinema from the living rooms to give it to the people.

The screenings are free entry and start at 9 pm. Within the park, we have created La Grotta dei Piccoli in collaboration with UNICEF ITALIA, which offers animation films and illustration workshops to the young. A sort of festival inside the festival.

During the year we carry out various initiatives to raise awareness through cinema, such as films on the environment during Earth Day, conferences on the rights of the LGBT community and meetings on the theme of hospitality. It’s all part of La Guarimba On Tour, a way to share our work and our contents outside the days of the festival. Obviously, the Tour not only allows us to bring our reality to other places but also gives us the chance of creating synergies with subjects that share our values. Over the years our partner network has become increasingly large.

Another important aspect to engage the public is the use of social media as a tool for virtual aggregation, documenting all our adventures and maintaining a conversation with those who follow us.


The selection of short films has the goal of discovering new film talents or works that haven’t reach the mass audience. The Festival allows people to watch a series of difficult-to-access works and the opportunity to see good cinema out of the big industry circuits.

Our selection seeks various themes and styles that build a mosaic through restlessness, critical visions, fantasies and obsessions of new (or experienced) creators and artists. All the continents are represented in all the editions, with particular attention to those lands far away from us both geographically and culturally.

We believe in respect for the directors, without policies of favouritism and discrimination. We believe in the horizontality for which veterans and novices, renowned and unknown directors will be selected and evaluated on an impartial basis. The directors will be selected based on the quality of their work, not on the basis of positive discrimination. We consider that the inestimable quality of their works will speak for itself and will give us a selection that, without seeking it specifically, will be gender equal.

Our programming team is composed of young professionals with different cultures and experiences. Thanks to this we’re able to create a program that represent worthily the movies that we receive from all over the world. We don’t believe in the idea that a team of European white people can judge themes such as immigration and integration. We are a festival made of Venezuelan emigrants descendants of Italian emigrants, Senegalese migrants, second-generation Italians, Calabrians who experienced the escape from their land to look for a better future,etc.


The festival, like most of our initiatives, is supported with the help of private sponsors, public funds and donations. Ensuring a free entry event without losing quality obliges us to invest a good part of our time in public tenders and looking for private sponsors. Fortunately, there are many who understand the importance of our work and support us with donations.

We have learned from scratch to write projects for calls, making mistakes and failing without giving up. Over the years we have achieved important goals and today we can say that the La Guarimba festival is recognized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Calabria Region as a historicized event.

List of grants and financial support received during the years


  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva – festival” promoted by MiC for La Guarimba 2022 (6° anno)
  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva- rassegne” promoted by MiC for CinemAmbulante 2022 (4° anno)
  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva – premi” promoted by MiC for Premio Vitaliano Camarca 2022
  • Winners of ”Avviso pubblico per il sostegno alla realizzazione di festival e rassegne cinematografiche in Calabria” promoted by Calabria Film Commission for La Guarimba 2022
  • Winners of “Bando The European Challenge 2022” promoted by European Cultural Foundation for Kino Guarimba 2022
  • Winners of “Bando Cinema e Immagini per la Scuola”, promoted by MiC and Miur for the workshop project for education in the language of animation in 6 schools of all the Calabrian provinces
  • Winners of “Bando Creativity Pionieers Fund” promoted by Moleskine Fundation


  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva – festival” promoted by MiC for La Guarimba 2021 (5° anno)
  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva- rassegne” promoted by MiC for CinemAmbulante 2021 (3° anno)


  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva” promoted by Italian Ministey of Culture for La Guarimba 2020 (4th year)
  • Financial support by: Embassy of United States, Embassy of The Kingdom of The Netherlands, Embassy of Republic of Ireland, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy of Australia, Embassy of Sweden, Embassy of Canada, Flanders State of Arts, Austrian Forum of Culture, Korean Cultural Institute.


  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture for La Guarimba 2019 (3rd year)
  • Winners of the public grant “Piano Nazionale Cinema per la Scuola” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture and Italian Ministry of Instruction and Research (2nd year)
  • Winners of the public grant “Individuazione di Iniziative di Marketing Territoriale e dei Beni Immateriali da Candidare al Riconoscimento Unesco – II edizione” promoted by the Chamber of Commerce in Cosenza
  • Financial support by: Embassy of the United States, Embassy of Hungary, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy of Canada, General Representation of the Flemish Community and the Region of Flanders.


  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture for La Guarimba 2018 (2nd year)
  • Winners of the public grant “MigrArti” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture for CinemAmbulante 2018 (3rd year)
  • Winners of the public grant “Piano Nazionale Cinema per la Scuola” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture and Italian Ministry of Instruction and Research


  • Winners of “Bando per la concessione di contributi ad iniziative di promozione cinematografica ed audiovisiva” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture for La Guarimba 2017
  • Winners of “Avviso pubblico per la selezione e il finanziamento di grandi festival eventi, iniziative e progetti per la qualificazione e il rafforzamento dell’attuale offerta culturale presente in Calabria” promoted by Region of Calabria for La Guarimba Film Festival 2017 (three-years grant)
  • Winners of the public grant “MigrArti” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture for CinemAmbulante 2017 (2nd year)


  • Winners of the public grant “MigrArti” promoted by Italian Ministry of Culture for CinemAmbulante 2016 (2nd year)
  • Winners of the European grant “Audience Development” promoted by Creative Europe, as partner of the project Audio Visual Access


  • Winners of “Avviso Pubblico rivolto ad organismi privati senza fine di lucro per la partecipazione ad attività di co-progettazione e realizzazione di interventi nell’ambito del Programma Integrato di Rigenerazione Urbana “Cantiere Internazionale di Arte, Cultura e Partecipazione presso l’ex CNOS di Lecce” – Linea 7.1 del PO FESR 2007/2013”.


For the main projection we use a SANYO of 15.000 ANSI Lumens that projects on a 12 meter AIRSCREEN. The films are screened in Apple Pro Res from a Macbook Pro with the HDMI output.


The festival is the Association’s biggest event, but during the year we work on various projects that contribute to our mission and allow us to explore good practices that meet our needs in social and cultural terms.

LA PICCOLA BIBLIOTECA DI AMANTEA a public library founded and managed by us.

KINO GUARIMBA an international film residency.

CAMBUR PROJECT the sustainable project of La Guarimba.

BIBLIOTECA GUARIMBA a library for Amantea’s refugee center.

I CUMMARI STREET ART PROJECT is an urban regeneration initiative.

SCUOLA GUARIMBA a Montessori school of cinema and an illustration with the aim of giving tools and teaching their use through participatory democracy and teamwork.

MISCITA an event that has put together the best of the Calabrian cultural scene in Sicily.

LA MIA MANTIA: STORIE DI PAESEa documentary series about the people of Amantea conceived, produced and shot by Giulio Vita and Sara Fratini.

ARTISTS FOR LA GUARIMBAan exhibition within the festival that involves artists from around the world.


Our team consists of young professionals from all over the world, who bring their experiences, visions, and cultures to the project. In our events, different languages, dialects, races, and creeds meet, all united by the passion for cinema and the desire to create.

Director & Animation Programmer

Giulio (Italy, 1988) grew up in Venezuela. He studied Journalism in Caracas and Cinema in Madrid. He deals with Communication and Cultural Management in all phases: from the conception to the implementation of projects that have a positive social impact. Expert in turning good ideas into excellent realities.


Sara (Venezuela, 1985) grew up in Puerto Ordaz, in the south of Venezuela. She graduated in Fine Arts in Madrid and specialized in Nancy, France. Illustrator, published author, street artist, and cultural operator. There are many cities that host her murals.

Production Assistant

Maria Francesca (Italy, 1999), has a degree in Communication & DAMS from University of Calabria and a passion for cinema and music. She started as a volunteer and is now part of the production team of the organisation.

Head of Animation, curator of the exhibition Artists For La Guarimba

Valeria (Italy, 1991) is an Italian/Sri Lankan illustrator working in Animation. After her first degree in Media Arts focusing on filmmaking and cinematography, she specialised in Character Animation at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts ( London), joining her passions for the world of cinema and illustration.

Brand Image, Graphic Design & Documentary Programmer

Mikel (Spain, 1985) is an illustrator and comic artist. With a degree in Fine Arts, Mikel collaborates with different Spanish agencies and magazines. He also works in Connecting Brains, a company focused in graphic recording and visual thinking.

Head of Subtitling & Documentary Programmer

Marta (Spain, 1984) is an audiovisual translator and researcher. With a PhD in audiovisual translation and media accessibility and a long experience in the translation of short, feature films and documentaries, she currently combines her research and professional activities. 

Subtitles Translation Department

Daniele (Italy, 1987) has graduated in Modern Languages and Literature, three Master’s degrees in Translation and PhD cum laude in Phraseology and Corpus Linguistics.
He is currently based in Spain, where he works as a Business Analyst (BA) consultant for the European Patent Office.

Curator of the workshops in La Grotta dei Piccoli

Gabriele (Italy, 1992), graduated in Education Sciences, with experience in cultural teaching for children and teenagers. He gained professional experience in projects of the psychology of art and the development of cultural spaces.

Sound Engineer

Carlos (Spain, 1991) studied Art History, Film, Sound Engineering, Radio and Journalism. Mixing all that, now he works producing podcasts for a bunch of newspapers from Vocento, a spanish media group.

Technical Chief & Druid

Oscar (1985) is a cinematographer and lighting technician based in Madrid. He has worked as a freelancer on several fiction, advertising and music video projects in Spain and Latin America. He conducted filmmaking courses in Ecuador, where he worked for the company Turutá Films.

Video operator

Fortunato (Italy, 1990) is a videomaker with a degree in DAMS and a diploma in directing. He has lived in London and Florence where he has had the opportunity to work for several productions such as Rai, Mediaset, and Netflix. In addition to film projects, he deals with the all-around care of audiovisuals.

Media Coordinator

Francheska (Venezuela, 1999) moved as a teenager to La Palma, in the Canary Islands, where she graduated in Audio-Visual Graphics at the Manolo Blahnik School of Arts (Spain), specializing in 3D animation at the CIFP Cesar Manrique in Tenerife. She is currently working as Motion Graphic Designer in Berlin.


Sergio Durré (Libya, 1975) is a freelance video maker, video editor, colorist, and photographer based in Milan. He works mainly for music and film festivals.


Our organisation wouldn’t be so rich in content without the contribution of our external collaborators who help us every year to put together a multicultural and multidisciplinary proposal.




ELLIE ZAHEDI (IRAN), Illustration Artists


We’ve been mentioned in university thesis, books, and magazines from all over the world.

  • FOLIOS n.5 – “A Creativity Revival” (2023). “Raising Social Consciousness through the Joy of Film”. pp. 136-149. Moleskine Foundation ETS, Milan.
  • L’impatto di Europa Creativa in Italia 2014-2020 (2021). “Il Sottoprogramma MEDIA e la creazione di network per la diffusione di festival audiovisivi a livello europeo: il caso del La Guarimba Film Festival”. p. 84. 
  • Smorto, G (2021). “A sud del sud – viaggio dentro la Calabria tra i diavoli e i resistenti”. pp. 133-140. Zolfo Editore, Milan. 
  • DPI Magazine Taiwan (2020), “The Most Delightful Summer Poster Design Collection”. vol. 245, pp. 36-41. 
  • Colistra, S. (2019). “Audience development practices in European cultural festivals: the case of La Guarimba Film Festival”. Final thesis, MsC in Economics and Management for Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment, Bocconi University. 
  • Cerasa, G. (2019). “Calabria 2019 – Le eccellenze”. In “Le Guide ai sapori e ai piaceri.” pp. 238-239. La Repubblica, Rome.
  • Monti, M. (2018). “Il cinema senza cinema. Spazi di fruizione cinematografica fuori dalla sala tradizionale”. pp. 56-63. Final thesis, Course in Economia e Marketing dell’Audiovisivo, Bologna University. 
  • Lucenti, S. (2018). “La Guarimba. La rivoluzione del posto sicuro l’evento come strumento di integrazione sociale.” Master Thesis in Comunicazione per le industrie creative Moda, Gusto, Design, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan.
  • Balnova, N. (2016). Poster published in “American Illustration”. Nr. 35. p. 012. New York (USA).
  • Świętochowska, G. et al. (2012). “Panoptikum”. Nr. 11 (18). pp. 169-172. Uniwersytet Gdański.