2 results for group: management

Mikel Murillo

About Me Then he moved to Barcelona to continue his postgraduate studies in Illustration at the Design College of Barcelona (BAU). Since then, he's been working on covers and text illustrations and publishing comic strips in online & printed magazines and newspapers. He also collaborates with fanzines, such as Pan de Molde & La Tourette. His work has been selected for national and international group exhibitions.  

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Sara Fratini

About Me When I was 3 years old I tried to draw with my feet, finding that impossible I decided to start drawing with my hands and I haven't stopped since. I always carried a bag full of colours and a notebook, so I could draw anywhere . When I was small, the bag was the reason for many injuries, falls and not so nice encounters with the floor. Today it is an excuse to escape from situations or to make them inmortal. I studied Fine Arts in Madrid (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and École Nationale Superieure d'art de Nancy. I live and work in Italy nowdays, but I try to move constantly. My Commitment  

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